I’m a terrible, terrible, terrible contact lens wearer.

From the article, here are the most common bad habits, according to the CDC:

Sleeping or napping while wearing lenses

I’m guilty of napping with my contacts in once per quarter. Never overnight.

Swimming while wearing lenses


Not replacing lenses as often as prescribed

Depending on which eye doctor I get, one says my contacts are good for up to a month, the other says change them every two weeks (the product website says every two weeks, too). I usually wear them until I start to notice irritation on my eye or fuzziness in my vision, which is typically right at the month or month and a half mark. This is bad behavior.

Not regularly replacing storage cases

I change my storage case once per year. I wash it, with soap, once every two weeks. But as the article points out, water has germs and this is bad.

Topping off contact lens solution in the storage case

Sometimes when the solution is low and not dirty, otherwise I clean (with soap and water) and then re-fill.

Storing lenses in tap water


Not visiting an eye doctor at least once a year

I always visit once per year. Twice a year when my contact lens decides to randomly roll-up into a little ball and lodge itself in my eyelid.